Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Let's step in to the new world

Just one day left for us before we step in to the whole new of Tahun Hijrah, 1434, 1st of Muharram. have you completed your last resolution yet? or you had made your new one? me?don't know what is exactly my resolution. as long as i completed my tasks and my target, the list of resolution is not a neccesity.
looking years back what i had done in my life sometimes bring me regretness and question mark. i don't know if what i did was right or wrong but i still did it. people say go with the flow. and i follow the flow as it flow down the waterfall of rocks, heavy waves, calmness stream, and etc. i broke the rules and disobeyed everyone that came across me. i rejected all their opinions, their suggestions, their orders and all i do is wasting my time. i worked but it was really not a work. i trained but then i lost the string i attached to. i told myself many many times that they were all experiences. which kept motivated me to do next thing in the list. the list which is invisible, only a draft in my little piece of mind.
is it wrong not to have a proper job? what is proper job means to you? to have big name? to have high salary? to live in the busting city? to be able to go overseas, outstation, courses that you hate except for the food and accomodation? to be an owner of a new super car? to use all your salary to pay your house rental, your furniture debt, your bank loans? and what's left behind?
i am glad to be at home where i can do i want to do. even if i don't have money all the time but i can still live here with my mak and abah and eat my mak's cooking and get up every day just to ask abah mana. who want to be apart from their family when you have the opportunity to live near them. i can still work here. i am glad to have time and place to pray, recite doa and say my gratitude to Allah swt. and upgrading.
i am not telling you that i want to hijrah to a new place. i had chosen my path. and here is where i gonna be. i'll show to everyone that i can be as succcessful as you are. Insya Allah.
So peeps, the conclusion is let's move to a better us. here's the doa akhir tahun and awal tahun Hijrah and the meanings:

Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Wahai Tuhan, apa yang telah aku lakukan dalam tahun ini daripada perkara-perkara yang Engkau tegah daripada aku melakukannya dan aku belum bertaubat daripadanya. Sedangkan Engkau tidak redha dan tidak melupakannya. Dan aku telah melakukannya di dalam keadaan di mana Engkau berupaya untuk menghukumku, tetapi Engkau mengilhamkanku dengan taubat selepas keberanianku melakukan dosa-dosa itu semuanya. Sesungguhnya aku memohon keampunanMu, maka ampunilah aku. Dan tidaklah aku melakukan yang demikian daripada apa yang Engkau redhainya dan Engkau menjanjikanku dengan pahala atas yang sedemikian itu. Maka aku memohon kepadaMu.
Wahai Tuhan! Wahai yang Maha Pemurah! Wahai Yang Maha Agung dan wahai Yang Maha Mulia agar Engkau menerima taubat itu dariku dan janganlah Engkau menghampakan harapanku kepadaMu Wahai Yang Maha Pemurah. Dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad, ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan mengurniakan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Allah SWT berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat baginda dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Wahai Tuhan, Engkaulah yang kekal abadi, yang qadim. yang awal dan ke atas kelebihanMu yang besar dan kemurahanMu yang melimpah dan ini adalah tahun baru yang telah muncul di hadapan kami. Kami memohon pemeliharaan dariMu di sepanjang tahun ini dari syaitan dan pembantu-pembantunya dan tentera-tenteranya dan juga pertolongan terhadap diri yang diperintahkan melakukan kejahatan dan usaha yang mendekatkanku kepadaMu Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Agung dan Maha Mulia.
Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha pengasih dari mereka yang mengasihi dan Allah berselawat ke atas penghulu kami Muhammad. Nabi yang ummi dan ke atas ahli keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dan kesejahteraan ke atas mereka.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


That is why I do not want to text you. because when I did it you will start to ask me "when to belanja minum?" which means you are asking me out. honestly I do not want to go out. but not because I don't like you, I just segan. it's like stupid insane girl sitting in front of you saying nothing but just ghenyih ghenyih macam pompuan gatai. konon konon pemalu la sangat. yes I am. I memang pemalu especially with guys. I talked with them but with my eyes looking around like seeing something fly up my heads. even if there's no one walk pass us I would still looking at the street not to your eyes or mouth or nose or all over your face. I wonder how you guys do that. you talked with your eyes wide open and stare straight into someone's face. I lose. yes. my confident is very low. low self-esteem, I am. lost my words, I am. afraid of asking because you might ask me back, I am. not comfortable when people's watching even they're not, I am. yes perasaan only.   but He is watching. and I'm afraid.